Sunday, February 22, 2009

I really need to write more

So, last weekend was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. The videos were all very boring. The medical lecture was really good. I learned alot from Mindy about how alcohol affects the body and the brain. The brain part was way cool! The group sessions were helpful and my counselor was awesome! Charles is a former alcoholic and has been counseling for twenty-five years. He cared about getting us to see what we had done wrong, help us not do it again, and get us done with the weekend.

My roommate has started dating a new female. She is way cool. We all went to dinner with one of her friends and some peeps from Starbucks on Friday. That was a night! Alot of fun was had by all, especially me...and her friend!

Work was slow last night. I still made good money. My managers still suck. I had my annual review. It went great. I don't have anything to work on, and they only had good things to say about me. My managers are such idiots.

My roommate is on his way to meet the female's parents. It should go well. He is very good with parents of all kinds.

I'm trying to catch up on bills right now so I can get my school loans paid off and BUY AN iPHONE! I think I can do it very soon! It won't make my life complete, but it will give me something to play with for awhile and keep my brain occupied.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yep, I'm boring

Another day over; another week almost over. I get to do my weekend at AA this weekend, so from Friday at four until Sunday at three-thirty I get to go to meetings and watch anti-alcohol videos. Yea, me! I've had a good few days, made some money, had some laughs, went to the movies with a lot of my female co-workers and got pissed off at my managers (again!). I love the mall where I work and I love everyone at Bar X because they treat me well and not like another annoying customer. As the days and weeks go by, I'm beginning to feel more and more alone. I don't know what to do about it. Any advise?